Friday 19 September 2014

Meet Our Team - Marcus Restaurant Manager

Marcus - Restaurant Manager

Where are you from? 

India - Goa

How long have you worked here? 

"Almost 10 years"

What is your favourite thing about the job? 

"Coming in and greeting new people, and talking to the lovely regulars we have. I also love my staff, they work there best for me - it is very appreciated"

What personal skills/qualities are good for this role?

"Experience helps, working your way up and getting to know the roles and the business better. Great Customer service skills and just be your best and happy to help everyone!"

Worst thing about your job? 

"The same as most jobs- the feeling of not having enough time in the day to get everything done" 

How did you decide you wanted to take the role as a Restaurant Manager? 

"I have always worked in a bar/Restaurant role so it's always been my ambition to work my way up."

How did you get the job? 

"I started off by just handing my CV in at the Portland Restaurant. Starting as a Waiter moving up to a Supervisor, Assistant Manager then to finally being offered the Management place - it can sometimes be slow, but if you're passionate about what you want to do, stick to it!" 

What did you want to be when you were younger?

"As most boys dreams, I wanted to be a footballer as I used to play Semi-Pro in Goa."

Dream Job?

"On the beach - Own my own bar"

If you could be any animal what would you be and why?

"A Bird, Maybe a parrot (but not a caged one). For Freedom to fly when and where I want!"